Generic Webhook


To ingest RADIUSaaS logs into a generic webhook that accepts JSON-structured HTTP bodies, a suitable webhook including a publicly available URL are required as well as authentication credentials, if applicable.

The RADIUSaaS Log Exporter allows authentication via a static API key (URL-, header-, or body-encoded).

Configuration Steps

Follow these steps to add a Generic Webhook export target:

  • Navigate to your RADIUSaaS Admin Portal

  • Click + Export Target

  • Select Generic Webhook

  • Provide a Name and Description

  • Configure the Message Filters to your needs

  • Paste your webhook URL in the field Webhook URL

  • Specify the HTTP method that shall be used for transmitting the data (POST, GET, PUT)

  • Add relevant HTTP headers, e.g. for authentication purposes

  • Configure the message Body to be sent to your webhook

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