

To ingest RADIUSaaS logs into a Microsoft Teams Channel, only Microsoft Teams itself as well as privileges to add connectors to the relevant channel are required.

Configuration Steps

Follow those steps to push RADIUSaaS logs to a Microsoft Teams Channel:

  1. Navigate to Microsoft Teams

  2. Click on the Channel > More options > Manage team

  1. Go to Apps

  2. Click + Get more apps

  1. Search for "Incoming Webhook"

  2. Click Add then Add to a team

  1. Select your team

  2. Click Set up a connector

  1. Provide a Name for the connector

  2. Upload a logo

  3. Click Create to generate the Webhook Connector URL

Make sure you copy the Url.

Now it is time to configure the export target in the Log Exporter.

  • Navigate to your RADIUSaaS Admin Portal > Log Exporter

  • Click + Add > Teams

  • Provide a Name and Description

  • Configure the Message Filters to your needs

  • Paste the Webhook Connector URL in the field Teams channel Webhook URL

  • Configure the Message to be sent to your Microsoft Teams Channel

Last updated