WiFi Profile

We strongly recommend to not use any spaces or special characters in your SSID.

To configure a WiFi profile in Jamf, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to your Jamf Pro instance

  2. Choose your correct deployment scope (Computers, Devices or Users). In this example, we have chosen a macOS device (Computers).

  3. Navigate to the existing Configuration Profile from the previous step (Trusted Root)

  4. Add a Network payload

  5. As Network Interface select Wi-Fi

  6. Provide your Service Set Identifier (SSID)

  7. As Security Type select Any (Enterprise)

  1. Under Network Security Settings and Protocols select TLS

  1. Navigate to Network Security Settings > Trust

  2. As Identity Certificate select the client authentication certificate you have configured in your SCEP payload of this Configuration Profile before. In case you are using SCEPman as CA, please select the SCEP Proxy you have previously set up during the configuration of SCEPman.

  3. Under Trusted Certificates all certificates you have configured as Certificate payloads, will appear here. Check them all.

  4. Next, under Trusted Server Certificate Names add the

    • Subject Alernative Name (SAN)

    • and Common Name (CN) of your active RADIUS Server Certificate. Those properties can be found by expanding the active server certificate and copying the relevant values.

Note that the Common Name is case-sensitive.

Please make sure there are no spaces or hidden characters at the beginning or end of the Trusted Server Certificate Names input field in the JAMF interface.

  1. Unselect Allow Trust Exceptions

  2. Configure all other options as per your requirements.

  3. Click Save

  4. Under Scope assign the profile to the relevant audience

Last updated